The Town (2010)
resurse: LiterNet + CineMagia | IMDb + RT | ~trailer |
regizor: Ben Affleck
actori: Ben Affleck, Blake Lively, Chris Cooper, Jeremy Renner, Pete Postlewaite
– confirma trailerul: un film comun care reuseste sa livreze mai mult
– si chiar livreaza bine
– parca ar avea 2 scenaristi, unul de duzina peste care a intervenit un al doilea mai experimentat modificand niste scene de … woa!
– foarte misto urmaririle cu masini (una pe strazi inguste ;) )
– niste pornache sentimental marca Ben Affleck, inclusiv regizoral scena de final al cumnatului/”frate” dusa ‘pana la cer’
– bun actor mai e Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker), bun rol. asemeni remarcat Blake Lively. Pete Postlewaite ;)
– slab actor mai este Jon Hamm – detectivul, la nivel de serial TV Hercule or smtgh, desi dadea semne din ’30 Rock’ mi le confirma acum. pacat de rol.
– si surpriza surprizelor… regizat de insusi Ben Affleck. e de urmarit!
– ce film super-misto ar fi fost daca era mai european si conflictele/caracterele din cartier mai explorate (gen The Fighter). dar bun si asa.
– “The original cut that Ben Affleck screened for producers was 4 hours long” da, as vrea sa o vad!
– de pe imdb: “I live in East Boston,MA my whole life 31 years! I have friends from all over and I made some friends in Charlestown … When I went to jail in my early twenties for something stupid and immature but let me tell you: when he’s telling the florist off in the shop – he nailed that scene 1000%! It sounded exactly like my buddy who actuly lives in the Charlestown projects – Ben was amazing in this flick and I hope he continues to make great movies like this.” by chiulli8 (Sep 3 2011)
– in filmul asta este exact plusul care-mi face un script/film enjoyable. de explorat/identificat/disecat acest plus.
What Doesn’t Kill You
alt film…cam aceeasi idee